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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Assistant Principal - Personal Learning Community07/18/2024CertifiedGreen Avenue Administration BuildingApply
Technology Supervisor07/18/2024AdministrativeGreen Avenue Administration BuildingApply
Mathematics 9-1207/17/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Ninth Grade AcademyApply
Elementary Teacher 4-6 (6th Grade)07/17/2024CertifiedEast Lansdowne Elementary SchoolApply
2024 - 2025 Substitute Secretary Pool07/10/2024ClassifiedDistrict WideApply
Building Secretary07/10/2024ClassifiedBell Avenue Elementary SchoolApply
Special Education PK-807/10/2024CertifiedEvans Elementary SchoolApply
Site-Based Teacher Leader - Math07/09/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Ninth Grade AcademyApply
Building Secretary07/08/2024ClassifiedPark Lane Elementary SchoolApply
Elementary Teacher Pre-4 (Kindergarten)07/01/2024CertifiedEvans Elementary SchoolApply
Elementary Teacher 4-6 (6th Grade)06/06/2024CertifiedArdmore Avenue Elementary SchoolApply
Elementary Teacher 4-6 (6th Grade)06/05/2024CertifiedBell Avenue Elementary SchoolApply
Band Front05/29/2024Academic SupplementalPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Assistant Band Director05/29/2024Academic SupplementalPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Volleyball - Assistant Coach05/29/2024Sports SupplementalPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Boys Tennis - Coach05/29/2024Sports SupplementalPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Boys' Soccer - Assistant Coach05/29/2024Sports SupplementalPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Athletic Manager05/28/2024ClassifiedPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Supervisor of School Safety05/24/2024AdministrativeDistrict WideApply
Certified School Nurse05/22/2024CertifiedPark Lane Elementary SchoolApply
Biology05/13/2024CertifiedPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Special Education PK-8 (Leave Coverage)05/13/2024CertifiedWalnut Street Elementary SchoolApply
Elementary Teacher 4-6 (6th Grade)05/13/2024CertifiedWalnut Street Elementary SchoolApply
Special Education PK-8 (Learning Support)05/10/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Middle SchoolApply
Special Education PK-8 (Autistic Support)05/10/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Middle SchoolApply
Certified School Nurse05/06/2024CertifiedPenn Wood High SchoolApply
School Safety Officer Pool (2024-2025)05/01/2024ClassifiedDistrict WideApply
Gifted Support Teacher (3 days/week)04/23/2024CertifiedDistrict WideApply
Special Education PK-12 (Learning Support)04/19/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Ninth Grade AcademyApply
Special Education PK-8 (Emotional Support)04/18/2024CertifiedWalnut Street Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedEvans Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedEast Lansdowne Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedColwyn Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedBell Avenue Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedAldan Elementary SchoolApply
Instructional Assistant04/18/2024ClassifiedArdmore Avenue Elementary SchoolApply
(LTS) Business/Computer and Information Technology, PK-1204/15/2024CertifiedPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Special Education PK-12 (Learning Support)04/15/2024CertifiedPenn Wood High SchoolApply
Middle Years Math 7-8 (Sabbatical)04/15/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Middle SchoolApply
Middle Years English 7-804/15/2024CertifiedPenn Wood Middle SchoolApply
Special Education PK-804/15/2024CertifiedEast Lansdowne Elementary SchoolApply
Special Education PK-804/15/2024CertifiedColwyn Elementary SchoolApply
Special Education PK-804/15/2024CertifiedBell Avenue Elementary SchoolApply
Music PK-1204/15/2024CertifiedAldan / East Lansdowne Elementary SchoolsApply
Special Education PK-804/15/2024CertifiedAldan Elementary SchoolApply
School Psychologist Pool (2024-2025 School Year)04/05/2024CertifiedDistrict WideApply
Speech and Language Pathologist PK-12 Pool (2024-2025 School Year)03/21/2024CertifiedDistrict WideApply
Music PK-12 Pool (2024-2025 School Year)03/21/2024CertifiedDistrict WideApply
World Languages PK-12 Pool (2024-2025 School Year)03/21/2024CertifiedDistrict WideApply